Short update:
- The semester went great and I'm looking forward to this fall. I've got story ideas in my head and have finally started writing one now. So far, the direction it's taking is all good. I also sent off two stories for publication. Who knows if they'll be accepted, but it felt good just to send them.
- The band situation is keeping me pretty busy, but as of now it's my main focus for the summer. Things are going better than I ever could have imagined. Seriously. Recordings are in progress and hopefully full songs will be available for public consumption very soon.
- Gas prices suck my ass. Ok, so that's not news, but it's looking like I won't be going anywhere major this summer unless I want to reduce my diet to rice, canned tuna, trail mix and various fruits and veggies. Actually, that doesn't sound all that bad. Hmmm, maybe I'll have to rethink this. Either way, it won't be anytime soon.
- Service Pack 3 for XP is out. Uhm, yeah.
- It's nearly the end of May, and that means some partying is going down at the end of this week.
- The end of days is upon us. The New Kids on the Block have reunited. We must now choose sides for the coming apocalypse. I'm glad I have my chain mail armor and swords.
- I've been terrible about getting in touch with people lately. Well, for as long as I can remember. I haven't forgotten about any of you, and I'll do my best to try and touch base individually.
Here's a video from Tool. Sorry about the sound quality, but you can listen to it from my playlist on the right.
Also, here's a picture that I made in photoshop that was inspired by that song.

I'm going to pack up my laptop and go get some coffee now. The writing calls.
happy birthday tomorrow, fish stinky.
also, i am honing my superpowers to contend with the coming apocalypse (is that spelled right? i'm never sure with that word.) and have begun to refine my psychic abilities as i'm sure you know, having felt my brain mucking about in your own, and i also shined up my NKOTB secret decoder ring. i can now decrypt the hidden messages in their 'songs', however, the attempts i have made to gather information have forced several neurons to completely shrivel up and die, so i would suggest to those less super than myself: don't listen to the 'music'! it is a weapon in and of itself! beware! BEWARE!!!
the only cure i have found thus far is to listen to Thrill Kill Kult songs backwards, whilst hanging upside down from the chandelier, drinking the blood of a thousand virgins and chanting 'one, two, buckle my shoe' 50 times through a red and white striped sock. of course, i could probably just drink a martini and mellow out, but where's the fun in that?
next i will work on my x-ray vision. i don't think it will really help much with defeating the Enemy, but it'll sure come in handy on those long and lonesome nights. heh.
I believe that I may have to make you a guest contributor on this blog. You can practice on mine until you get your very own. :)
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