I don't know why this is, but the past few days have seemed quite productive, although I can't really go back and name very many specific events that lead me to believe it. I suppose I will be sooner than later; classes are going to start way too soon for me. On one hand, this is my last semester and I'm more than ready to be done. The sooner the semester starts, the sooner I'll be done. My main beef with not having much time is directly affected by Val's time here before her semester starts. In a few short days she'll be back from Europe, where she's visiting some of our old friends in Klagenfurt, Austria.

Here's one of my favorite pictures from our time there together. After what will seem like no time at all, she's going to have to move to California to start on her MFA. Life is not fair sometimes. Oh well, hopefully I'll be busy enough with everything that the rest of the year will fly by. Fingers are crossed (und die Daumen sind gedrückt).
I think the reason that I feel I'm being so productive is because I'm finding myself feeling completely exhausted much earlier than normal. I know, it may not prove that I've actually done anything during the course of a day, but allow me my delusions, please. This is something I'd really like to see change once classes start.
Well, staying true to form, I've totally lost my train of thought on what I was going to write next, so I'll just put in something to watch and get ready to pass out partway through.
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