Ok, haven't been on here for a while, although it seems like just yesterday. Oh man, I just noticed that the first week of August will have passed me by within just a few hours. Time has kind of flown, and I do recall whinging in my last post about how Val wasn't around and it has seemed like forever. Well, she's been back since the 29th of last month, and to continue sounding like a baby, we have to move her out to San Diego this coming Saturday. Much too quickly goes the time. On the other hand, I'm very excited about the trip itself; I've never been to the West Coast before, so getting a feel for what we're moving to will be quite a treat. Considering that we're driving, I suppose I'll have all the time in the world to jot down some thoughts and supply some pictures.

I guess I'd like to share a new found pleasure that I'm surprised took me so long to discover. I went on a couple day-long canoeing trips this summer, both of which burned me to a crisp.
Regardless of the pain, I'm hooked. I think I've awakened the latent river rat within.

From casting off, to picnicking on a sand bar, tying your foot to a tree on the bank and floating in the water with a life vest after eating, watching the wildlife that one can't see from a car window on the highway, sipping on beers for most of the day, and finally dragging the canoe from the water and securing it to the roof, I can't think of a better way to spend a lazy Sunday. These are a couple pictures that I took during the second trip. Luckily there was no one else on the river that day besides my friend, Pam, and myself - but most importantly I remembered to bring my camera. Due to the solitude that day, we were treated to quite a few wildlife sightings, and if you'll notice on the left side of this last picture, there's a bald eagle perched on the branch.

Thanks to my roomies for letting me borrow their telephoto lens, or I never would've been able to get that shot. I just wish I would've been able to get a better focus, but I almost capsized us simply trying to snap it, so I guess I should consider myself lucky it's even in frame. Click any of the pictures for the full-size view; the eagle is fairly large, just as an FYI.
A piece of advice before I close, which is actually just as much to myself as it is to anyone else; go outside and find some solitude for a few hours once in a while. It's amazing how much something simple like that can recharge the batteries. I'd say that goes especially for anyone like me who spends a bit much of their free time sitting in front of a computer. It's a goal of mine to get used to spending more time in the big, blue room by the time I get to San Diego. Somehow I don't think that will be too much to ask of myself. It'll be even easier when I get that stellar job and can afford my 400 acre ranch. OK, that may be pushing the limits of reality just a bit. Maybe.
1 comment:
You might like this blog post, I found it highly amusing - www.mrcrip.com/blog/klingon-freaks-get-keyboard/
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