Val has been moved to San Diego. She's got an apartment she can move into tomorrow, her grad orientation starts tomorrow as well, and the weather there is sunny and warm with relatively no humidity. I've been awake for going on 31 hours now, classes start for me tomorrow, and it's raining outside. If you haven't guessed, I'm not the most excited to be back in Iowa at the mo. I think it's the massive sleep deprivation that's keeping reality from actually permeating my little bubble of vertigo that's gently carrying me through my day.
The trip itself was great; we left on the 11th of this month and I rolled into Cedar Falls this morning at about 8am. Plans to power nap have somehow been thwarted. When my brain is fully functional, I plan on typing some thoughts and memories of the last week for an actual post of substance. Right now I have neither thoughts or memories. I think. I need to crash soon...
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