It's true, I'm a storage slut. I live for excess gigabytes, and this baby scratches my itch. The best thing about it is the ethernet hookup, so basically I have it connected to my switching router rather than directly to a computer, and that way each of them can share in the magic! What's better is that I got it at a relatively good deal, so I can fool myself into not feeling guilty about buying it.
Let's see... Oh! I almost forgot to mention that the local movie theater here is having a two night showing of Army of Darkness this weekend. I guarantee, I'm ready to kill some brains cells and then go manually turn the survivors off as I sit and watch that this weekend. I've seen it so many times, brain cells are no longer required - not that they probably were at the first viewing. My friend, Pete, is having "one of those weeks" at work, so it sounds as if he'll be tagging along. I doubt we could drag his brother there on this short notice, which is kinda sad because this used to be one of his all time favorites. Still might be, for all I know. Anyway, it's gonna be a hoot, and a much needed one at that. Hmm, maybe we should take his five year old son with us and introduce him to the legend that is Bruce Campbell.
I suppose I should've had a notion that something wasn't right this week when I looked at my weather program on my linux box. As anyone who either lives in the Midwest or watches news reports has seen, there's been a tad bit of snow coming down these past few days. As opposed to the snowfall we had a couple weeks ago, this one was accompanied by much warmer temps. I don't think it was quite as bad here as we were told to expect, but my linux box seemed to think otherwise, because this is what it had to show me.

"Okay. The words. Say the words.
KLATOO!... VERATA... uh... Uh...
Necta... uh... Nectar...
Necktie... uh...
Okay then."
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