I don't think I've ever linked to another blog post before. If I have, I simply don't recall doing so, but this one felt necessary to me. It's arguably a little past the freshness date, but recent enough to warrant sharing.
The Atheist Missionary is one of the handful of atheist bloggers I follow (cyber-lurking or -stalking might be more accurate), and he linked an interview with one of those infuriating brands of Kooky Kristians™ who starts off with strained pleasantries and quickly moves into the inevitable and insincere "WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME AND NOT LETTING ME SPEAK!?!???!!???" mode of debate. It was so disturbing that I felt the need not only to blog about it, but to comment on his blog as well. I was so passionate that I missed a typo before posting. The horror!
There's a very good chance I'm outing myself to a few people here, and that's assuming there are people who visit this blog outside of the small handful I'm already aware of, but yes sir, I am an Atheist. Boogety-boo. Then again, when asked by my parents a couple years ago what I wanted for Christmas (yes, atheists do use that word), I replied earnestly that I wanted The God Delusion--and got it in hardcover. Yeah, I'm fairly certain most people I know are aware that I'm not too hip on the Gee Oh Dee tip.
Ok, that's a clear sign I need to be done with this post.
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