Thursday, February 11, 2010

Super-size my science; hold the patriotism.

Posting this video in response to a request about emphasizing climate as opposed to weather.

And by saying "hold the patriotism," I don't mean stop being a patriot, you nutty-nuts who will surely try to label me a gay communist for uttering such a thing (although I'd be willing to bet most people know at least one gay communist without even realizing it). I mean that I don't necessarily see the need for politicizing (accusations of being unpatriotic) during a report about science (climate change). I'd like to think that no matter where you fall in the political spectrum, you can at least acknowledge that the collection of unbiased research on climate change is in everyone's best interests. Let's all take The Science Guy's advice and consult with actual scientists--preferably many of them, as long as they're reputable.

Oh, and please stop laughing triumphantly every time it snows in winter, claiming that the weather (not climate) has proven you know more about climate change than anyone else, ever. Having lived in Iowa all my life, I've seen my share of snow, and I tend to be more annoyed by the extreme cold snaps than the snow--unless we get the sheer amounts that have dropped recently. One thing I did happen to notice during our storm is that the temps didn't drop to anywhere near what they were earlier this season. That prompted me to check some numbers for the nation's capital, where the politics are piling up as high as the snow. Here's what I found:

Feb.6th - Low 25.9 - Mean 29.5 - High 32.2
Feb.7th - Low 18.3 - Mean 24.7 - High 32.5
Feb.8th - Low 21.6 - Mean 27.0 - High 34.5
Feb.9th - Low 24.8 - Mean 29.5 - High 36.9
Average - Low 22.6 - Mean 27.7 - High 34.0

I didn't take the time to factor in wind chill or the "feels like" temps, but that's where it stands. I'm sorry, but even when you average the average, it's not that cold. I even searched around for news reports on the so-called "snowpocalypse," or whatever other buzzwords have been flung about, but I don't recall seeing mention of record low temps mixed in anywhere with the reports of record snowfall. I'm willing to concede that someone who knows a thing or three about meteorology could very well school me here and explain how wrong I am, but I would much rather take their word than, as Rahm Emanuel would say, some fucking retard who's pushing a political agenda. Those people should just grab their shiny red sleds and go tire themselves out on the nearest sledding hill, then warm up with a nice cup of shut the hell up.

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